Fault slip behavior during episodic tremor and slow slip (ETS) events, which occur at the deep extension of subduction zone megathrust faults, is believed to be related to cyclic fluid processes that necessitate fluctuations in pore fluid pressures. …
Our group published a new paper in Science Advances that reports seismic observations consistent with a fault-valve model for episodic tremor and slip events in northern Cascadia. Check out the press release by the University of Ottawa: https://media.uottawa.ca/news/uottawa-researchers-find-evidence-explain-behavior-slow-earthquakes
The paper can be found here: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/4/eaay5174
See some media coverage in the EOS magazine here: https://eos.org/articles/fluid-pressure-changes-grease-cascadias-slow-aseismic-earthquakes